If you’re sick of having to constantly bail on dinner with friends, seemingly spend more time on the toilet than with your partner (shitty 🥴), and wasting money on gut-healing products that are not… gut-healing?

Welcome to your “get-back-to-feeling-like-myself-again” roadmap.

Ready to ditch the bloat, normalize your BM’s, increase your energy, and get back to feeling like yourself again.. without cutting out all your favourite foods, or spending your whole paycheck on supplements?

Feel Good Gut Formula With Mia Giommi

Start (finally) getting the results you want in your gut-healing with an easy-to-digest online course.

The Feel-Good Gut Formula

In this targeted, 5-module self-paced course, you’ll lean everything you need to know (plus access actionable tools!), to normalize your bowel movements, ditch the bloat, and increase your energy — even if you feel like you’ve tried it all.

So, you’ve been struggling with bloating, IBS, low energy, and perhaps some other frustrating issues for some time now.

You’ve tried everything in the book to feel some semblance of normal again — but nothing seems to be working, huh?

Maybe lately you’ve found yourself thinking —

“Why does feeling good have to be so hard?”

“Why won’t work for me?”

“I’ve tried everything!”

I think this course will be perfect for you..

But see if these sound like you just in case:

You’ve been trying all the right things. You’ve grudgingly given up gluten and dairy, have tried too many probiotics, digestive enzymes, and gut-healing formulas to count, and STILL haven’t seen your bloating budge.

You’ve spent hours scouring Dr. Google for answers to your unrelenting bloating, IBS, and ever-growing list of food sensitivities, but feel overwhelmed with what to do, or where to start to finally feel *normal* again.

Your unreliable BM’s mean that making plans (especially of the spontaneous variety) is HARD — never knowing when your bowels might betray you adds another layer of stress and anxiousness to most plans you make. Being tied to your toilet is NOT cute, and you’re over it.

Figuring out what to eat takes just about all your mental capacity 🧠 and is putting a real dent in your social life; spending so much time/effort/energy on this food thing is taking away from the important things like connecting with your loved ones and enjoying social experiences.

You’ve spent so much of your time and energy (never mind hundreds — if not thousands 🥴 — of your hard-earned bucks $$) throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks 🍝 and just want something that works.

Your social life, relationships, and quite honestly — the richness of your life — has been suffering. You have to bail on dinner plans and opt out of weekends away way too often because leaving your house and being too far from your toilet is risky 💩

If that’s got you thinking — “wow, yes — hi, that’s me 👋 “ — then I’d like you to know that you’re not alone. There’s a lot of noise out there (not to mention all the conflicting opinions 😅), and it can be so hard to figure out what to do or change to feel good again…

It doesn’t have to be so complicated.

After working very closely with 1:1 clients who’ve been right where you are — I’ve noticed some trends.

Here are three approaches
I see people take, that often hold them back in their gut healing, and improved energy:

  • Our body isn’t a bunch of isolated systems that work independently of each other. Our body is made of systems that impact and influence and depend on each other to function well. We need to approach our health and healing in the same way — addressing the body as a whole.

    When we focus too much on isolated tools that suppress our symptoms (like supplements or medications), we aren’t really addressing the problem at all.

    If you want to restore your health long-term, you need to take a multi-faceted approach that addresses deeply-rooted imbalances.

  • You are the only person on this planet 🌏 with your unique health history, genetics, biochemistry, and personal responsibilities, values, resources, and lived experience.

    It’s important to take healing principles and strategies, and ensure that they make sense for YOU and your unique body. What might’ve worked well for someone, may not be suitable for you, and vice versa.

    Bio-individuality is so so important in your healing.

  • Our body needs to feel safe in order to heal.

    Putting all our efforts into eating the right foods, taking probiotics, and exercising can only take us so far — we need to ensure that the body is able to access safety (as much as we can manage), so it can focus its efforts on healing and restoration.

    This needs to be a top priority in healing any ailment — but especially if you’re struggling with your digestion, hormonal imbalances, and fatigue.

Whether you’ve taken some of these approaches to your healing or not, you might have some doubts about what’s actually possible for you:

Big Concern #1: This Won’t Work for me

Through my own personal healing journey, and working with many 1:1 clients who’ve seen incredible transformation in their gut health, this is what I know to be true:

Our bodies are inherently capable of healing.

It’s what they’re built to do.

While there is a lot of nuance to our health (it’s not so black and white), and it’s true that what works for someone else, might not work for you — there’s a reason you’re presenting with symptoms, and your body just needs the right environment and resources to shift its state.

I’ve seen clients who struggled with chronic digestive issues for over a decade (and even beyond that!), finally see the transformation they were looking for in their health.

It’s possible for you, too.

With the right tools and supportive nutrition and lifestyle habits that make sense for YOU and YOUR unique physiology, you can see change.

Big Concern #2: I’m Not Motivated Enough

Ah, yep. I so feel you here 😣

Motivation is a fickle thing, and building new habits is no easy to-do.

The thing is — making change is freaking hard! Especially when you’re going at it alone.

What’s beautiful about the Feel-Good Gut Formula is that you don’t have to.

Accountability is built in, and you’ll have tons of support along the way, and access to a community who will ride the waves with you.

The habit-master himself, James Clear says: “Motivation is often the result of action.”

We’re here to help you take that action 👋 and keep you moving towards reaching your health goals.

Big Concern #3: I don’t have the time (it’s going to be too much work)

Look to be frank, it’s true that seeing the results you want in your healing is going to take some work.

It’ll take effort and energy. It’s just how it is 🤷‍♀️

But that doesn’t mean it needs to be all-encompassing, or additional stress to your already busy life (no, you don’t need to adopt a 90-minute morning routine 😅).

In the Feel-Good Gut Formula, we put a big emphasis on small, sustainable habits that have a cumulative effect over time.

Simple, practical, realistic things you can incorporate into your life.

Things that make sense for YOU, and what you’ve already got going on.

Plus, we set you up with everything you need to make implementing and integrating as *easy* as possible.

The truth:

Getting a handle on your gut health and your lackluster energy — getting back to feeling like yourself again— is absolutely in the cards for you.

Are you ready to transform your health & get your life back?

now, dream with me for a second here 💭

Imagine what your life would look like if you:

Had more energy on a daily basis to expend on reaching your goals, nurturing your relationships with your loved ones, and even signing up for that boxing or pottery class you’ve been wanting to check out 🥊

Felt more ease around food, and more confident in knowing how to nourish your body in a supportive way that feels GOOD to you. No more having to avoid all your favourite foods, or bouncing between diets 👏

Had the freedom and capacity to say “yes” to things like spontaneous road trips, weekends away, and get-togethers with friends, without worry for the nearest bathroom, and all the logistics around figuring out what to eat

Felt GOOD, energized, and confident in your body, and could stop bailing on plans with your friends, staying away from certain clothes you love (but don’t feel great in), or avoiding intimacy with your partner because you don’t feel well

Finally had the mental capacity to put into the relationships you’ve felt disconnected from, and that ceramics class you’ve been eyeing, as you’re not expending so much brain power thinking about what you can and cannot eat, and whether or not your bowels will betray you at any given moment 😅

Knew you had supportive foundations in place, and built a health-conducive lifestyle that will keep your gut happy, hormones balanced, and energy buzzing along, for a long, long time

If this sounds like the dream life you’re looking to embrace in the coming weeks or months — you’re in the right place:

You’re exactly who I made this course for.

You don’t need to cut out more foods, shell out more cash on
gut-healing formulas, or continue yo-yoing between diets — you need a proven step-by-step roadmap.

(with all the flexibility to make it your own — because, obvi, bio-individuality 🙃)

This is what’s waiting for you on the other side of the Feel-Good Gut Formula when you join today:

More stable energy throughout the day. You’ll finally make it through your afternoon without needing that 3rd cup of coffee that you know is making you anxious, impacting your sleep, and keeping you stuck in the fatigue cycle 💤

Your BM’s 💩 normalize, and your bloating decreases, which means you don’t have to change into a new outfit halfway through the day, can wear your favourite jeans comfortably, and finally feel confident in your clothes again ⚡️

You actually wake up feeling refreshed, your bloating and abdominal pain has subsided, you feel less stressed around food, and are finally feeling more like yourself.

The start of your cycle takes you by surprise because you had virtually no PMS symptoms, and breezed through your period, pain-free; your period doesn’t have you call in sick to work, or derail your social life

You have the freedom to travel and do more things with less anxiety around your gut health, have a clearer understanding of how to care for your body, have more stable energy and mood, and have even gotten back to eating foods you’ve been avoiding ✨

Feeling bloated, backed-up, depleted, exhausted, and frustrated doesn’t have to be your norm anymore.

You deserve to feel f*cking amazing in your body.

And feeling amazing starts right here, right now.

If you’re looking for a proven framework that takes a root-cause approach BUT lacks (in a good way!) the price tag of working with a 1:1 practitioner, and you’re cool to keep DIY-ing with a little (okay, a lot 😅) more personal guidance than you’re currently getting on Google or IG — then join now.

meet your practitioner

Hey — I’m Mia 👋 IBS and Gut Health Nutritionist

I’m a certified Holistic Nutritionist FDN-P CNP NNCP, and I’m obsessed with helping folks like you, restore your digestion (hasta la vista bloating and inconsistent bowel movements 👋), regain that jump-outta-bed-in-the-morning kinda energy, and rediscover your confidence.

For years I was right where you are

Struggling with a laundry-list of symptoms that wouldn’t give no matter what I tried.

Chronic constipation. Bloating (the “I-look-6-months-pregnant-but-I’m-not” kind, you know?). GERD. Anxiety. Acne. PMS. Horrible cramping. Bouts of depression. Frequent infections. Chronic fatigue. Low (but really, non-existent) libido.

The whole shebang.

I spent years on all sorts of medications, antibiotics, laxatives, supplements. Seeing doctors. Having diagnostics tests done. Scouring the internet to see what worked for other people. What supplements I could try. What foods I could eliminate. Out-there treatments I could try.

My symptoms impacted my mental health, my social life, my confidence, my trust and comfort within my own body, my relationships, my work, my sex life, my happiness.

Sound like your experience, too?

I know how much of a SIGNIFICANT impact these health issues can have on every single aspect of your life — and I don’t want you to have your health issues hold you back from living your life fully.

More energy. More confidence. More spontaneous weekends away. Road trips without worry. More dinners out with friends. More head-space for the important things. More hobbies. More intimacy. More fun. More ease.

That’s what I want for you.


The Feel-Good Gut Formula

In this targeted, 5-module self-paced course, you’ll lean everything you need to know (plus access actionable tools!), to normalize your bowel movements, ditch the bloat, and increase your energy — even if you feel like you’ve tried it all.

Simplify your Nutrition 🍳 (in a way that feels good to you)

Learn how to nourish your body in a way that feels good to you, and your unique body. Stop bouncing from diet to diet, adding to the list of ‘foods to avoid’, and understand how to equip your body with the fuel it needs to thrive.

Optimize your Digestion (for less bloat + better BM’s 💩)

Stop throwing spaghetti at the wall trying all the digestive enzymes, probiotics and bloat pills. Learn how to support good digestive function, so you can ditch the bloat, and have normal poops for once.

Build a Solid Foundation (for long-lasting results ⏰)

Let’s finally put an end to the going-in-circles, “things-work-for-a-little-while-until-they-don’t” that you might currently be experiencing, and build a super solid, health-conducive foundation that lasts. Here’s to sustainable solutions 👋

Feel more Energized on a daily basis⚡️

Let’s get you familiar with what it feels like to be rested and energized again! Learn how to improve your energy through simple lifestyle tools and targeted nutrition.

Access more Ease and Headspace in your Life

Digestive woes and barely-there energy impacting your ability to live your life like a normal person? Let’s free up some mental capacity and infuse your life with more ease.

past students loved it (but don’t take it from me!)

What’s inside:

The Feel-Good Gut Formula Curriculum

This gut healing course includes 5 core modules — the H.O.N.B.S. framework — that build on each other to create a solid foundation for good gut health, balanced hormones, and better energy, long-term ⚡️ inside you’ll find video lessons, PLUS all the resources and tools you need to integrate what you’re learning, and take action in your life, so you can get the results you’re looking for 🔥

Module 1

HONE in on Your Nutrition

✅ Get clear on how to fuel yourself, and provide your body with the basic building blocks it needs to thrive — think nutrition for good gut health, balanced hormones, and better energy ⚡️

✅  Gain a better understanding of how to use targeted nutrition for good digestion and a healthy microbiome

✅ Learn how to navigate food triggers, sensitivities & when might be the right time to limit, reduce, or exclude specific foods (sometimes an elimination diet can be super helpful in the short-term!)

✅  Learn how to prepare certain foods to make them easier on the digestive system

✅  Set up your pantry and kitchen for success — let’s make this as easy on yourself as possible!

  • ✅ curated recipe bundles + meal plans 🥦

    ✅ pantry and kitchen guide

    ✅ nutrition for good gut-health handout 🦠

    ✅ going gluten-free guide

Module 2

OPTIMIZE your Digestion

✅ Get familiar with how digestion works, so you can get a better understanding of your symptoms, and learn how you can support each stage of the digestive process for better gut health, long-term

✅ Incorporate tools like meal spacing and mindful eating for better digestion (and less of those annoying symptoms!)

✅ Develop “Good Gut Routines” to support your gut day and night

✅ Learn how to support your microbiome through nutrition and lifestyle

✅ Explore supplements + herbs to optimize digestive function and support good gut health

  • ✅ Tools + Products for Better Digestion

    ✅ Supplement Cheat Sheet to Optimize Digestion

Module 3

NOURISH your Nervous System

✅ Get familiar with stress, your nervous system, and how it might be impacting your digestion, hormones, and energy ⚡️

✅ Learn the 4 types of stressors you need to know about (plus how to navigate each one so there’s less stress on your system — we can’t heal in a stressed state!)

✅ Meet the vagus nerve, learn how it plays a role in your gut health, plus how to strengthen your gut-brain axis for better digestive function

✅ Use targeted nutrition for stress and nervous system support

✅ Build a personal toolbox that you can lean on always to support your nervous system

✅ Cultivate good sleep hygiene & learn how to support your circadian rhythm for improved sleep, balanced hormones, and better energy

  • ✅ Vagal Toning Exercises Handout

    ✅ Adrenal Cocktail Recipes

    ✅ Sleep Hygiene Checklist

    ✅ Tools + Products for Stress Management

Module 4

BALANCE your Blood Sugar

✅ Understand how blood sugar works, why imbalances in blood sugar can be contributing to how you’re feeling, and how honing in on this can improve digestion, hormone balance, and energy ⚡️

✅ Learn how to build a “blood-sugar balancing plate,” so you can feel more confident about keeping your levels balanced through food (for better energy, and less frequent appearances of your hangry self 🙃)

✅ Explore practical lifestyle tools and tips to help keep your blood sugar balanced

  • ✅ How to Build a Blood Sugar Balancing Plate

    ✅ Blood Sugar Balancing Recipe Guide

Module 5

SUPPORT Detoxification

✅ Learn why detoxification and liver health (and bile) are so critical for hormone balance, good digestive function, and energy production

✅ Explore how to use nutrition for targeted liver and gallbladder support

✅ Understand how movement plays a role in detoxification, and how to incorporate it in a way conducive to healing

✅ Equip yourself with tools to support good liver function and detoxification

✅ Learn about herbs and supplements you can incorporate to support your liver, gallbladder, and detoxification, for better gut health, hormone balance, and energy ⚡️

  • ✅ How to do a Castor Oil Pack

    ✅ Liver Love Toolbox (products, practices, tools, etc.)

On top of the core curriculum, you’ll also have access to a variety of tools to help you implement what you’re learning (so you can see the results you’re after 👏)

🍳 Curated Recipe Bundles & Meal Plans

Never feel uninspired in the kitchen again (ok ok, there ARE those nights you just don't wanna cook 😅), with gut-healthy breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack inspo. Throughout this online gut health course you’ll find curated recipe guides, sample meal plans, food lists, and pantry guides, featuring delicious, nutritionist-backed options you can lean on anytime, to keep your gut and energy supported always.

💊 Supplement Guides

Simplified supplement guides to help support you on top of the foundation you're building, so you can feel more confident in making decisions around supplementation knowing you're incorporating good-quality products, with therapeutic dosages, where it matters.

📑 Handouts and

Access everything you need to help you implement and integrate what you learn in FGGF as seamlessly as possible. Throughout the gut healing course you’ll find a variety of carefully-crafted cheat sheets, pantry and kitchen guides, checklists, and tool-kits to help you implement easier and see results faster.

 Hold up ✋ — that’s not all you’ll get:

bi-weekly “Office Hours” with Mia

I’m here to help you see success with the course! These office hours are your opportunity to ask alllllll your burning questions, get personalized support on your gut healing journey, access help if you’re feeling stuck, navigate roadblocks, celebrate wins, and more 🥳

Lifetime Discount on Professional-Grade Supplements (and curated supplement guides)

The world of supplements can be confusing — we’ve simplified things for you! Explore nutritionist-recommended professional-grade supplements, curated to target specific issues, making this super easy to navigate.

The cherry on top? You’ll have lifetime access to a discount (10-15%), to save your hard-earned bucks where you can 😍

Discount codes for my favourite (highly recommended) products

While I don’t believe products are always necessary to heal your gut and restore your energy, as a consumer myself, I think it’s my duty to sift through what’s legit and what’s not, and only recommend products to you that I use and love (from companies I trust), and recommend to my clients in clinic.

On top of that, I’ll try to save you money where possible! You’ll have access to an ever-growing list of discount codes for my fav stuff.

Like a cherry on top? Me too 🍒

You’ll also get these sa-weet bonuses:

Symptom Toolkits

Get your hands on targeted symptom-management toolkits to get you feeling better ASAP, while you work on implementing solid gut-healing energy-boosting foundations. You can lean on these toolkits now to manage symptoms, and revisit them in the future in the case of the odd flare-up!

Intuitive Eating with Lindsay Fein

Through the expertise of Certified Intuitive Eating Coach and Nutritionist, Lindsay Fein, you’ll gain an understanding of Intuitive Eating, identify where you are at in terms of your relationship with food, and learn how to eat intuitively while honoring gut health, symptom management and overall well-being.

new bonus

new bonus ✨

Ultimate PMS Toolkit 🩸

by Alex King from Nutrition Moderation

Are you tired of feeling like your life is at the mercy of your period? Do you struggle with PMS symptoms like mood swings, acne, cramps, and bloating every month?

You're not alone. That's why Alex has created The Ultimate PMS Toolkit. This toolkit will be your bff for preventing PMS symptoms & making you feel amazing every month. 

Don't let your PMS hold you back any longer. 

With the PMS Toolkit, you'll learn:

  • The 4 phases of your menstrual cycle & tips for cycle syncing

  • Hormone imbalances & what to do about it

  • Quick tips to relieve PMS symptoms 

  • Nutritionist-approved hormone-healthy recipes

 Care for a sneak peek? 👀

Check out the Feel-Good Gut Formula

Choose the investment that works best for you:


$297 CAD

✅ The H.O.N.B.S Framework Core Modules: 5+ hours of video lessons, plus recipe guides, cheatsheets, and resources to make implementation as easy as possible

Short, quick, easy-to-digest trainings (for easy watching and action taking)

Symptom Toolkits (to help ease your uncomfortable symptoms ASAP, while you work on putting a solid foundation in place)

✅ Discount on professional-grade supplements (plus curated supplement guides)

✅ Discount codes for my favourite products (that I use and always recommend!)

✅ Private Community (with access to Mia for all your questions!)

LIFETIME Access to the Course (including all future upgrades and additions to the course for FREE)


✨ Bi-Weekly “Office Hours” with Mia

✨ Intuitive Eating with Lindsay Fein

✨ PMS Toolkit by Alex King from Nutrition Moderation


$150 CAD

✅ The H.O.N.B.S Framework Core Modules: 5+ hours of video lessons, plus recipe guides, cheatsheets, and resources to make implementation as easy as possible

Short, quick, easy-to-digest trainings (for easy watching and action taking)

Symptom Toolkits (to help ease your uncomfortable symptoms ASAP, while you work on putting a solid foundation in place)

✅ Discount on professional-grade supplements (plus curated supplement guides)

✅ Discount codes for my favourite products (that I use and always recommend!)

✅ Private Community (with access to Mia for all your questions!)

LIFETIME Access to the Course (including all future upgrades and additions to the course for FREE)


✨ Bi-Weekly “Office Hours” with Mia

✨ Intuitive Eating with Lindsay Fein

✨ PMS Toolkit by Alex King from Nutrition Moderation

wondering if the feel-good gut formula is for you?

This course is PERFECT for you if:

✅ you’re struggling with IBS, bloating, gas, reflux, PMS, barely-there-energy, caffeine dependence, skin issues, stomach pain, painful periods, food intolerances — and are ready to THRIVE again 🤩

you’ve tried it all (the diets, the workout plans, the supplements and vitamins and gut-healing products), and just want a proven roadmap that works 👏

✅ you’re ready to put the band-aid-fixes and gut-health trends aside for sustainable solutions, that lead to REAL change

✅ you understand that this work requires commitment, effort, patience, and trust on your end, and you’re READY for it 💪

✅ you’re excited to learn how to better support your body in a way that feels GOOD to you — with all the room to live your life without feeling restricted

This course is NOT for you if:

❌ you’re not open to change, and creating lifestyle shifts to help your body find balance again ✨

❌ you expect health concerns that have taken months (sometimes years) to develop, to resolve themselves in no time (we can see improvements quickly, but healing can take time)

❌ you’re not ready to put in the work and effort to see the results you’re looking for (we make things simple and streamlined for you, to make implementation as easy as possible 👋 we’re also here to support, guide, and cheer you on along the way — but at the end of the day YOU’RE the one who has to take action!)

Return Policy

As this is an educational, gut health online course, refunds are currently not offered.

I believe entirely in the material you’ll learn in the course — and have seen first-hand through applying this with my 1:1 clients, how implementing these tools and recommendations can transform the state of your health.

Here are some of the results my clients have seen from implementing these strategies:

✅  complete reduction of their bloating

✅  normal bowel movements after daily loose stools

✅  clearer skin (even leading up to menstruation!)

✅  more sustainable energy throughout the day

(I’ve had clients see results in as little as one week!)

The thing with this health stuff is that, while I can help guide you in the right direction, it’s up to you to implement these things into your life to get the results you’re looking for.

That being said — I am here to support you every step of the way!

To help keep you accountable and motivated, implement these tools into your life in a way that feels good to you, course-correct as necessary, help you tune into how your body is communicating with you, and even dive deeper.

Getting back to feeling like yourself again IS possible. It’s just about creating the environment your body needs to heal — which is exactly what I can help you with 👋

You’ve got this.

Still have questions?

Let’s get those answered for you.

  • While these tools and interventions are great (and sometimes a part of the work I do with clients!), they’re simplified solutions to what are typically deeply rooted, multi-faceted issues.

    This course is designed to address your body as a whole, versus isolating one system or one area. We know all the systems in the body influence and impact each other — and we need to make sure we’re taking this into consideration when healing your gut and increasing your energy!

    Your health concerns are multi-faceted, and your strategy to restore your health should be, too.

  • This is totally up to you! Once you join us inside of the course, you’ll have immediate access to all of the materials.

    If you’d like to get through the course material in a weekend, great! If you’d like to tackle one module per week, great!

    You’ll have lifetime access to the course material, and will be able to come back to it as needed, as you’re implementing.

  • Not if you don’t want to! There are some supplement recommendations made throughout the gut health course, and found in the Symptom Toolkits, but it’s up to you whether you want to explore them for yourself or not.

    Through this course you’ll have access to curated supplement recommendations via Fullscript, complete with a juicy discount on professional-grade supplements, if you do decide to incorporate them.

    As always, these recommendations are for educational purposes only, and are not health advice. Always check with your doctor or practitioner prior to taking any supplementation, as they may be contraindicated, and not suitable for everyone.

  • Regardless of what’s going on specifically as it relates to your symptoms — across the spectrum of digestive imbalances, energy issues, hormonal imbalances, even symptoms related to metabolic dysfunction, blood sugar, etc. — these core fundamentals are key foundations that need to be in place.

    Depending on what’s going on for you, you may require some deeper, more personalized support beyond these fundamentals. That being said, I’ve seen my 1:1 clients (who have chronic digestive issues and hormonal imbalances), see as much as 80% improvements (and beyond!), from honing in on these areas.

  • The beauty of an online course like this one is that it’s available to anyone anywhere, who wants to and is able to join! I’m grateful to support clients worldwide 🌏

    Currently, the curated supplement guides through Fullscript (including the discounts), are for folks who live in Canada or the USA, but we’re hoping to branch out more internationally as online supplement dispensaries become more readily available!

  • Each module is broken down into bite-sized sub-lessons (~5-20 minutes), making them easy to integrate into your already busy schedule. Each lesson is straight to the point (sans fluff), and complete with clear action items so you can start seamlessly implementing right away.

    In the course you’ll also find all the tools, resources, and recommendations to make implementation as easy as possible for you.

    You’ll have lifetime access to the course content, and will be able to refer back to them time and time again.

  • recorded, for you to refer to time and time again, and without the pressure for you to turn up to sessions live. For the founding round of the course, the modules will be dripped out on a weekly basis. After the modules are dripped out, they’ll live in your dashboard for you to go back to as needed!

    There will however be real-time support in the private community for all your questions, as well as the Monthly Live Group Q&A’s with Mia for live, real-time support.

  • The core content is self-study. All modules and support documents will be available for you to move through, and implement at your own pace.

    You will get more personalized support through both the private community, and through the monthly live group Q&A’s with Mia

  • Heck yes you will absolutely get lifetime access to the materials 🥳 — PLUS any futures upgrades or additions to the core course, or bonuses.

    I want you to be able to come back to this time and time again as you explore making these changes for yourself. And I’ll be here to support you along the way 👋

  • I won’t sit here and tell you that you won’t find this stuff online if you do some digging around 😅 but I have spent years studying, researching, and experimenting — so you don’t have to.

    If you want to take the guesswork and overwhelm out of the process, and have a proven, step-by-step roadmap to follow (PLUS all the things you need to help you implement and see the results you’re looking for).. this might be perfect for you!

    You’ll also have access to myself to help guide you through this process, and answer all your questions for more personalized support 👋

What if it could be simpler?

With all the energy, effort, and time you’ve put into your healing, isn’t it about time you got the results you’ve been working so hard for?

While you could totally keep trying to DIY this healing stuff, and patch-work different strategies together that may or may not work for you..

..wouldn’t it be nice to have a proven, step-by-step roadmap to follow, that’ll help you finally move the needle?

If you’re ready to put the endless experimentation and hours spent going down google rabbit-holes, then the Feel-Good Gut Formula is the online-program that will really change things for you.

Feeling like yourself
again starts now.

See you inside!

“Doing this work is definitely not easy, but the results are not only significant, they are also extremely important. Doing this work can positively impact every single aspect of your life — mood, stress levels, general health, happiness, etc. The results far outweigh the fears of getting started!”

Lauren B — 1:1 Client